Sample Recipe Form

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Sample Recipe Form

Unread post by machinebacon » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:05 pm

Please use the form for your recipe and open a new thread in the "Recipes" section. Thank you!


Recipe: set a nice name

Chef: your username

DE/WM: the main WM/DE to be used

Difficulty: * ** *** **** (easy - moderate - hard - Asian)

Preparation time: ____ mins/hours/days

Purpose (one or more, or custom): home desktop/laptop/light/full-featured/media/devel/office/games/virt/______

Notable packages (list)
- package name: short description (optional, from apt-cache search packagename)

Starting point: base release name, date

Instructions: (in brief but structured)

Themeing: (optional, please only link to wallpapers/themes if they are not your own work. Otherwise, attach the files to your post)
- wallpaper
- gtk-theme / widget theme
- recommended colours (use gpick/gcolor2)

Notes: (anything noteworthy)

Screenshot: 1 / 2 (please attach and use a short, descriptive filename)


Please mark if you do not want to make your recipe available through the repositories!
