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Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:34 pm
by franksinistra
Alright since i kept bothering people with Nix/GNU GUIx (GNU Guix is an offshoot of Nix, with all the GNU policy if that's your cup of tea) package manager and blah blah yadda yadda bullshit i talk aloud, and since some people (like sPacE_gaN) is in need for some assistance in installing Krita and the likes (which is currently broken in sid), i'll write a small 'how to for dummies' for you guys:

By installing another package manager alongside the already great apt and some cool wrappers that was built by Bacon and Da Grillaz, you are in risk of bloating your /home or /root dir, symlink hell, lots of hair pulling, thermonuclear war, etc

You could always install other package managers out there (or if you like it super minimal, you could always cross-compile stuff and ask Pidsley how to do it). For the sake of familiarity, this post will guide you thru Nix package manager. I'll refer nix package manager as nix for the rest of this guide.

Section 1: Installing

  • 1. The safer way: single user install (meaning nix will be installed as the currently logged in user be it root or whatever your username is)

    Code: Select all

    curl | sh
    then proceed to add these lines to your .*shrc

    Code: Select all

    if [ -e $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]; then . $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; fi
    note that this code is usually added automatically when you run the previous command.

    2. The dangerous way: Multi user install
    The only available option for this method is install it by source
    • 1. Grab the source

      Code: Select all

      Make sure your bbq install has build-essential package installed before you proceed
      2. Extract, and run these

      Code: Select all

       ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc 
      followed by

      Code: Select all

      make && make install 
      3. Make a new group (name it whatever you like)

      Code: Select all

      sudo groupadd -g 9999 nixjob
      4. Then we need to add user accounts for each build that gets executed simultaneously, this depends on the number of core(s) available for your processor. For the sake of example, mine is 8 so i do it like this:

      Code: Select all

      for i in `seq 1 8`
          sudo useradd -u `expr 9999 + $i` -g nixjob \
            -c "Concurrent nix user $i" -d /var/empty -s /noshell
      5. Making nixjob group legal

      Code: Select all

      sudo echo "build-users-group = nixjob" >> /etc/nix/nix.conf
      and do this so /nix/store will be owned by root and the nixjob group

      Code: Select all

      $ sudo chgrp nixjob /nix/store
      $ sudo chmod 1775 /nix/store
      6. Make sure you enable nix daemon at /etc/init.d/nscd
      7. Setup user profile directory (for your current user)

      Code: Select all

      export NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER
      mkdir -m 0755 -p $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR
      if test "$(stat --printf '%u' $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR)" != "$(id -u)"; then
          echo "WARNING: bad ownership on $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR" >&2

      Code: Select all

      if ! test -L $HOME/.nix-profile; then
          echo "creating $HOME/.nix-profile" >&2
          if test "$USER" != root; then
              ln -s $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR/profile $HOME/.nix-profile
              # Root installs in the system-wide profile by default.
              ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/default $HOME/.nix-profile
      8. In single user installations, we add the bin directory of the system-wide Nix profile to PATH. In multi-user installations, we have to do this both for the system-wide and the user profile:

      Code: Select all

      export NIX_PROFILES="/nix/var/nix/profiles/default $HOME/.nix-profile"
      for i in $NIX_PROFILES; do
          export PATH=$i/bin:$PATH
      9. In single user installations, the user can subscribe itself to the Nixpkgs unstable channel. In multi-user installations only root can do this. Ordinary users can still install from the subscribed channels:

      Code: Select all

      if [ "$USER" = root -a ! -e $HOME/.nix-channels ]; then
          echo " nixpkgs" \
            > $HOME/.nix-channels
      10. We have to create a garbage collector root folder for the user:

      Code: Select all

      mkdir -m 0755 -p $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR
      if test "$(stat --printf '%u' $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR)" != "$(id -u)"; then
          echo "WARNING: bad ownership on $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR" >&2
      11. We must also set the default Nix expression, so that we can conveniently install packages from Nix channels:

      Code: Select all

      if [ ! -e $HOME/.nix-defexpr -o -L $HOME/.nix-defexpr ]; then
          echo "creating $HOME/.nix-defexpr" >&2
          rm -f $HOME/.nix-defexpr
          mkdir $HOME/.nix-defexpr
          if [ "$USER" != root ]; then
              ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels \
      12. Ensure that the unprivileged user can't do shit

      Code: Select all

      if test "$USER" != root; then
          export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
          export NIX_REMOTE=
      13. Shit's cooked, enjoy!
FYI, the more complete instruction on multi-user installation can be found here: ... ation.html
I just copied it and removing the irrelevant stuff for now

Section 2: Crash Course

You can always refer to the nix manual
for the sake of brevity, i'll give you a few hints:

Installing stuff:

Code: Select all

nix-env -i $package-name
Searching stuff:

Code: Select all

nix-env -qaP | grep $package_name
List available channel:

Code: Select all

nix-channel --list
Update repo/channel:

Code: Select all

nix-channel --update
Subscribe to a new channel (for instance stable/unstable channel):

Code: Select all

nix-channel --add $channel_name
Uninstall stuff:

Code: Select all

nix-env -e $package_name
Upgrade stuff:

Code: Select all

 nix-env -u 
Now nix doesn't purge stuff like debian apt do, old version of software will always be kept at /nix/store for when shit hits the fan, you could always rollback to the last known good package. To truly remove it (after you remove the package using nix-env -r) do:

Code: Select all

nix-collect-garbage -d
Alright, to rollback first you need to list all generations (nix term for snapshot) available in your machine

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nix-env --list-generations
then to actually rollback

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nix-env --switch-generation $generation

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nix-env -G $generation
there's an even shorter command, to rollback to previous (exactly one generation behind the current generation)

Code: Select all

nix-env --rollback $generation

Okay that's enough for now

Section 3: Fun stuff begins

Part 1: Resources for Nix language (the functional language nix package manager use)
nix pills by lethalman
nix manual

Part 2: Creating a new package

Use case example: Frank love wmutils, Frank wanted to install wmutils-opt on his linuxbbq install. Frank could always use git clone, make, make install thingy or create a new debian package. Frank wants more than that, because he's such a bastard. Frank did this instead:

1. Fork nixpkgs repo at
2. Clone it to his local machine
3. Write wmutils expression like this

Code: Select all

{ stdenv, fetchgit, libxcb }:

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "wmutils-opt-${version}";
  version = "2015-08-01";

  src = fetchgit {
    url = "git://";
    rev = "00fb88f80f2c42cdd664dc678430e77587cd392c";
    sha256 = "0938dnx9ql0b91igw9j59grfcjhgn7s31pdvb1ixfs6w4d2g1kcr";

  buildInputs = [ libxcb ];

  installFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];

  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
    description = "optional addons to wmutils";
    homepage =;
    license = licenses.isc;
    platforms = platforms.unix;
4. Call wmutils-opt expression on the $FORKED_NIXPKGS_DIR/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

Code: Select all

wmutils-opt = callPackage ../tools/X11/wmutils-opt { };
5. Build the installation .drv (nix term for *.o) using this command

Code: Select all

nix-env -f $FORKED_NIXPKGS_LOCATION --build wmutils-opt
6. Frank install it like this

Code: Select all

nix-env -f $FORKED_NIXPKGS_LOCATION -i wmutils-opt
Part 3: Modifying Packages

Use case example: Frank loves bloatful vim. He's such a bastard that he installs vim-tiny on his linuxbbq machine, only to install another vim with luainterp to be able to use neocomplete for his username only. The following are his methods:

1. He creates .nixpkgs dir on his home folder
2. He proceeds to create a config.nix file.
3. This is its content:

Code: Select all

   packageOverrides = pkgs: {
    vim = pkgs.stdenv.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.vim_configurable (o: {
      name = "myvim";
      luaSupport = true;

Section 4: The Blah Blahs

You could do a lot more in nix, including:
1. Debugging nix expressions using nix-repl
2. Subscribe to multiple channels (combining both nix-stable and nix-unstable for instance)
3. Use your configuration anywhere (your mac, your windows, your BSDs, your other Linux install)
3. Use Emacs and install nix-mode
4. Use Emacs (it's important), install nix-mode, and start hacking the repl

Alright that's pretty much it. Thanks for reading, and don't let anyone stop you from giving obscure shit a try.

EDIT: Adding links
EDIT2: Update some instructions

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:45 pm
by ivanovnegro

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:51 am
by GekkoP
Fantastic work, thank you!

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:52 am
by franksinistra
thanks both of you!

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:44 am
by rhowaldt
definitely, *applause*, well done frank - thanks a lot :)

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:22 pm
by franksinistra
^ thanks rho!

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:18 pm
by simgin
Sweet as hell Frankyboy :)
I have noticed that Nix has a quite vibrant community, think I will make the leap.


Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:37 pm
by franksinistra
^ thanks sim! Be sure to checkout guix too, it's like nix only it's configs are in scheme instead of nix

Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:07 pm
by simgin
^ Thanks for that info Franky :)
I am already reading up on it.


Re: Alternative Package Manager(s)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:00 am
by sPacE gàN
Thanks very much Frank ! Going to carefully marinade this on the weekend and hopefully resurrect my beloved Krita ;D