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Fix screen tearing on Xfce without external programs (mostly Intel)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:26 am
by ivanovnegro
The fork from compton, that itself is a fork from xcompmgr, to picom made me thinking. There has to be another solution and indeed there is but I probably was too blind or missed the actual improvements to xfwm4.

Here comes the great Arch Wiki into play. It seems you can just tweak it from Xfce itself and I found it via xfconf. Honestly I never thought about it and never before did I play with it. It is Xfce's own dconf editor but much more sane.

You can switch the default compositor to OpenGL. That is what I need on my Intel card. I forgot what the default is but I switched to glx and boom, no screen tearing and I can use the damn compositor that is built into the desktop environment.

I never found it on Arch's Xfce article because it is in another article, the article about xfwm!

Re: Fix screen tearing on Xfce without external programs (mostly Intel)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:52 am
by wuxmedia
nice, yeah I need compton to stop the screen tearing on the X1. Ahhh I see that picom is the maintained version of compton.. I was going to ask if it's 'better' than compton or not.

Re: Fix screen tearing on Xfce without external programs (mostly Intel)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:43 am
by catfood
Cool, thought you mentioned a few days ago. Glad you self-fixed!

(Everyone who teaches me sends me arch-wiki links :D)
(Calamares won't let me complete any ubu-arch-spins installs sucessfully, but i wanted to try arch the lazy way before I stop enjoying apt.)