Issue 0008

If you're easily offended by foul language or views on a particular matter, which might not agree with your own, you should probably get the fuck away from this section right now. Seriously.
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Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 9:18 am

Code: Select all

.._________.__                 __  .__                               
 /   _____/|  | _____ ________/  |_|__| ____     ____  ____   _____  
 \_____  \ |  | \__  \\_  __ \   __\  |/ __ \  _/ ___\/  _ \ /     \ 
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/_______  /|____(____  /__|   |__| |__|\___  > /\___  >____/|__|_|  /
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|   |_| || |_\   _  \ \   _  \ \   _  \   /  __  \
|   \   __   /  /_\  \/  /_\  \/  /_\  \  >      < 
|   ||  ||  |\  \_/   \  \_/   \  \_/   \/   --   \   Giving you the heads up
|___/_  ~~  _\\_____  /\_____  /\_____  /\______  /   on everything console.
      |_||_|        \/       \/       \/        \/ 
14 July 2013 -- slartie -- Final                          NEWSLETTER ISSUE 0008

WARNING ^                                                IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD
     If you're easily offended by foul language or views on a particular 
     matter, which might not agree with your own, you should probably get the
     fuck out of this document right now. Seriously.

     In this issue I'm using less profanities than usual. I'm not sure what
     went wrong, but I'll make an effort to adjust my language for the next


     WARNING                          (It's for your own good)
     INTRO                            (You just came from there)
     CONTENTS	 	              (You are here)
     TOPIC 01: RMS is a dick          (But also awesome)
     TOPIC 02: Get on IRC             (That's where the fun is)
     TOPIC 03: Ubuntu isn't GNU/Linux (Maybe)
     TOPIC 04: Links                  (Places to visit)
     CLOSING                          (Final thoughts)
     ABOUT                            (About the author)
     LICENSE                          (Because we all need one)

TOPIC 01: RMS IS A DICK ^                                      BUT ALSO AWESOME
     Richard M. Stallman is quite the guy. People either love him or hate
     him. Both of which with no small amount of passion. There are those who do
     neither, but that's simply because they haven't heard him speak yet. There
     really isn't a middle ground.

     He made the world a better place with FSF and GNU. He has done a lot for
     free and open source software, and basically (not single handed) made
     GNU/Linux a possibility. Most of the programs needed to make the operating
     system a reality, is to a large extent the doings of Richard and his posse
     of merry hackers.

     Linux is merely a kernel. It's an amazing one at that, but its still just
     a kernel. Everything else is what makes the kernel useful. For that
     Richard is an awesome human being. One who deserves a lifetime achievement
     award. If one was awarded to him, he'd probably not accept it, though.

     RMS is nothing short of awesome.

     But he's also a dick.

     The thing is. Richard is all about freedom. He will not accept anything
     that limits that freedom - in any way. At first glance, this sounds
     fantastic, maybe even awe-inspiring. But there's a little more to it than

     He takes his ideals to the extreme, and goes as far as saying that
     programmers who just want to put food on the table, should stop whatever
     they're doing, if the code he or she is making isn't free
     software. Instead they should get another job, or just do client work. The
     code may be proprietary, but it's only meant for one client and will never
     be released to the public anyway.

     He's like that a lot. He simply states what people shouldn't do and
     brushes them off with a: 'do something else', 'don't have kids',
     'Microsoft should go completely open and free their software, or
     close'. '50.000+ people out of a job, so what. The world is better
     off'. It goes on like that. For all the ideals RMS has, he never comes up
     with any solutions. He blindly trusts the world to adjust itself, and we
     all either start hugging trees, or get together in a hive mind and cure
     all ills.

     For that RMS is a dick. A short one, because that's funnier.

     I like a lot of what he stands for. I like his take on the Swindle (Amazon
     Kindle). Why in the hell should the act of saving a tree be worse on my
     freedom than buying a paper book? You can't buy an ebook 'anonymously'
     like you can in a bookstore, you can't share it with a friend, or give it
     away. You have the ebook, and you're stuck with it. If Amazon wants to get
     rid of a book, they can push the big red button, and your book no longer
     exists. '1984' was deleted from people's Kindles as a result of a
     publisher dispute with Amazon. I think they call that irony.

     So I like a lot of what the man says, but because he is so single-minded
     about it, and doesn't offer up any concrete solutions, he's on the dick

     Richard. If you ever come across this, give me some examples of what the
     world can do to make the transition from proprietary closed source
     software to the free software and still put food on the table. Feel free
     to make a real world business case where you outline where cuts would have
     to be made, where and what changes would be necessary, and how the company
     could stay competitive as a free software endeavor.

     And, no, you can't just give me the: "do client work". Their money has to
     come from somewhere, and we wouldn't want to halt innovation, right?
TOPIC 02: GET ON IRC ^                                  THAT'S WHERE THE FUN IS
     One of the older ways of communicating online has gone a bit by the
     wayside after we got forums, webchats, sms, skype, ventrilo and so on. IRC
     or Internet Relay Chat, is a text only communication service that does one
     thing, and does it well. Send text between a client and a server.

     'But I spend a lot of time on IRC', you might say. Sure, but how many of
     your friends do? They use Facebook messenger. Surely, there's nothing
     wrong with Facebook messenger? One thing. It isn't very social. It's a one
     on one chat. IRC can be that as well, but most of the fun happens in IRC
     channels. Rooms where a bunch of people get together and talk shit about
     Justin Bieber or that n00b that just got pwned in whatever multiplayer
     game that has people riled up at the time. Or indeed anything else under
     the sun.

     In the mid 90s IRC was huge. On any given IRC network you could find
     channels like #Hungary, #Amsterdam, #Sweden, #London, and so on. Groups of
     people belonging to a particular country, area or city would have a
     channel where they could hang out, make friends, get together for parties
     and so on. Having scanned 5 of the largest IRC networks available today,
     most of that has disappeared in favor of 10.000+ channels with 1 or 2
     people sitting in them. Examples #SuxMahDix, #UShit, #FUBeotch. Not what I
     would consider a step up.

     While, I might be wishing for the impossible, it would be great if we
     could get back to what IRC was in the 90s.

     Some of my best memories are from being active on IRC in the 90s. I met
     several people who I later became good friends with and we still fistbump
     today. A couple of girlfriends and eventually a wife came out of it. I
     divorced her 7 years later, but that's hardly the fault of IRC.

     Get on IRC and meet some people. You can't go wrong with weechat or
     irssi. Be a catalyst for starting a new channel in your area and see if
     you can get some people hooked on the idea. I know a lot of cities in the
     US are trying to do just that, and with fair success. It's great to meet
     new people, so why not get together on the chat service that fits the

TOPIC 03: UBUNTU ISN'T GNU/LINUX ^                                        MAYBE
     It's marketing. Nothing more, nothing less. Canonical is trying to get
     away from the label GNU/Linux has gotten over the years, when the
     operating system wasn't being taken all that seriously.

     Those of us who have been using the operating system for years, may not
     think that way, but let's face it - GNU/Linux hasn't been all that
     interesting to a lot of people until Android happened. Sure, Unix/Linux
     owns the server space, but user land is still ruled by the evil one. So
     from that perspective, we've been irrelevant. The "Linux" part of Android
     is being shushed a lot, so even there we're having trouble getting through
     to people and let them know just what they're using.

     Some people will still claim that GNU/Linux will never take over the
     desktop. Fragmentation, ease of use, gaming and so on take the blame. Yet,
     more and more people, are taking the leap of faith to give a distro a
     try. Even if it's just a Live CD/USB, it's still more than what people
     were doing 5 years ago.

     Canonical knows this, and they want even more people using Ubuntu as their
     "first try" or whatever you want to call it. But as long as Canonical
     calls themselves a GNU/Linux distribution, a lot of the flak that the OS
     has been getting over the years (unjustified, we have to say), will stick
     and people will be apprehensive about giving it a shot.

     While Canonical hasn't come out and said it outright, that's exactly why
     they've removed any mention of GNU or Linux in their marketing material,
     online and offline.

     This is good and bad. Good because of what I just mentioned. Canonical
     dodges the trolls and naysayers and give people a chance to experience how
     amazing the OS is on its own terms. Much can be said about how they build
     their distro, but it's damned easy for new users to get started with.

     Bad because, well all mention of GNU/Linux is removed, and people might
     very well not realize they're using the OS they've heard so much shit

     So where am I going with all of this. Canonical are douchebags for hiding
     the fact that it's GNU/Linux under the hood. Canonical are clever for
     hiding the same fact. Canonical have raped the Debian base and made it
     into Mac OS X-Part Deux. Fuck you, Canonical.

     I'm so torn. Natalie Imbruglia. You're so fine.

TOPIC 04: LINKS ^                                               PLACES TO VISIT
     Stuff I've mentioned in this newsletter deserves some link love, otherwise
     you'd have to step out of your comfort zone and use a search engine. Where
     would we be if that was required?!

     This isn't WikiPedia, so I'm only going to link to stuff I think is worth
     looking at.

     Richard M. Stallman [ ]
     Canonical           [ ]
     Ubuntu              [ ]
     Weechat             [ ]
     Irssi               [ ]

CLOSING ^                                                        FINAL THOUGHTS
     A lot of shit pisses me off, but for some reason I haven't been able to
     muster the anger as much this week. Maybe it's because I saw a gorgeous
     girl have a wardrobe malfunction downtown earlier this week. Unintentional
     boob revealing is nothing to sneeze at. She handled the "happening" fairly
     well, and there was no shortage of guys wanting to help her pack
     everything back up.

     Until next time.

ABOUT ^                                                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR
        ````...-------------......`````            Slartie has been working
      ``...-----::////////:::----....````          with open source software
     `...---:://+++++oo++++++//::---....``         and the community since the
     `..-:://++ossyyyyysssssssso+//:--...`         early 90s.
    `.-:/+oossyhddmmmmdddddhyoo+//::-----.` `.`   
    `.-/+osyhhhdddmmmmmmmdhyyssoo++++/:---.`.+:`   He's considered a little bit
    `-::/+osssyhdmmmmNNmddddddmmmdhs+///---.:+:    crazy by his peers. Mostly
    `-::+osyyhdmmmmmmNmmNNNNNNNNmyo++oso/::-/s-    because he likes working with
     .:/oydmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmhsoyddmmdhys/:+s.    the console so much.
     `:+ossssssyhmNNNNNNNNNNMmmdyo+os//shds//-     His day job is (sadly one
      :shdhhyoooyhdMNNNNNmdmmmddNmmdhssyhyo/-`     might say) working with MS
      .sdo+oyyhdhhmmdhdmdhyyhdNNNNNNNdhhhyo/.      Windows clients and servers.
`````.`-osyhmNNNNNmmhsymdysydNNNNNNNNNmmdhy/.````` After hours are spent with
`.....--+yhmNNNNNNMmsoymmhssssdMNNNNNNNNmdy/--...- coding, tinkering, IRC and
:-:--://+ydNNNNNNNMy+ohmdyo+oshNNNNNNNNNmds/::--:- generally being a nerd.
ooooo+ooooo+smh/-://-----:::::/+hho/:-/oo//++///++ You can get in touch using:
ysssssssssssso:..:+hdysssss+++oos+/-.````./++//+++ Twitter: @slartie
yyyyssssssssss:.```.-:///:/++/++:.```````:+o++/+o+ IRC: slartie (FreeNode)
yyyyyysssssyys+.`````.-:/oyyo/:-..`````./+ooo+++oo E-Mail: [email protected]

LICENSE ^                                               BECAUSE WE ALL NEED ONE
=============================================================================== Newsletter (c) by slartie Newsletter is licensed under a
     Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

     You should have received a copy of the license along with this
     work.  If not, see

14 July 2013 -- slartie -- Final                          NEWSLETTER ISSUE 0008
Created with Emacs -

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by ivanovnegro » Thu May 15, 2014 10:36 am

2013? Did I miss something?

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 10:39 am

I have a huge backlog of partially done issues that I'm just now getting to finalize and put online.

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by wuxmedia » Thu May 15, 2014 10:39 am

Always a pleasure to read Slartie...
Did I mention the box hosting is about 10M away from where I'm sitting, right now?
2013/2015.. Slartie's always on point 8)
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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 10:41 am

Go and poke that box and give us a photo. Just for kicks.

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by wuxmedia » Thu May 15, 2014 12:44 pm

not sure, if the security protocols allow that but... let me see what I can do... 8)
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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 1:06 pm

pffffft .. security is meant to be broken. c'moooooon :)

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by wuxmedia » Thu May 15, 2014 1:14 pm

You are such a bad influence, Slartie 8)
Luckily the security guard with the MP-5 stepped outside for a smoke:

# Picture removed for reasonable paranoia about job security 8)
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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 1:35 pm

Bad influence?! Bah! We're just getting started!

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by wuxmedia » Thu May 15, 2014 3:14 pm

See what you did! there is a swarm of bees above the Datafloors suspended ceiling, we've put the aircon on max to cool 'em down a bit.

It's like a bad B-movie up in this bitch right now 8)
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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by bones » Thu May 15, 2014 3:25 pm

Mmmm, unintentional boob revealing... :D

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Re: Issue 0008

Unread post by slartie » Thu May 15, 2014 3:38 pm

bees.gif (818.8 KiB) Viewed 4758 times

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