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Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:22 am
by dkeg
alias is a quick way to get to the autostart file. Just type hauto. I just did MOD+CTRL+r (iirc) to reload.

And yes so for me it is

Code: Select all

alias hauto="vim $HOME/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart"

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:27 am
by rhowaldt
meh, wux, that makes sense, i must've still been sleeping.

tried finding the wallpaper but cannot retrieve it online. i remember i found it doing a search pertaining to metatron's cube.
here's the image anyway:

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:22 pm
by pidsley
I'm just impressed that rhowaldt knows the difference between windows and frames. This is a difficult concept for some people.

Rhowaldt using herbstluftwm -- what is the world coming to?

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:25 pm
by ivanovnegro
^ Haha.

Thanks for the wall Rhosie.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:48 pm
by rhowaldt
@pids: took me a while to get that distinction :)

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:56 pm
by pidsley
^ someone wrote an explanation of the difference in the musca and herbstluftwm topics in our wiki... :)

I should play with herbst a little more; I need a new project.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:59 pm
by dkeg
Keep me apprised of that!

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:44 am
by rhowaldt
not quite content with hlwm yet, but that probably has to do with the huge amount of options it provides and the small amount of them which i actually understand.
anyway, i changed from dzen2 to lemonboy's bar (xft-patched version). it does exactly the same that my dzen bar did but more elegantly. used stark's siji icons (wonderful!), the currently playing song and volume update properly now.

only strange thing is, if you look closely at the top left corner of the scrot you can see that the bar doesn't go all the way to the left. i'm not sure why this is, i've looked through the settings of all the stuff and am still unsure. if anybody has any pointers, that'd be wonderful :)

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:03 am
by dkeg
share the bar config, or at least the output params. Just looks like there is some x value specified that's pushing it to the right.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:16 am
by wuxmedia
^^ what, no wifi symbol ?

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:23 am
by rhowaldt
@drew: thanks for looking into it.

Code: Select all


hc() { "${herbstclient_command[@]:-herbstclient}" "$@" ;}
geometry=( $(herbstclient monitor_rect "$monitor") )
if [ -z "$geometry" ] ;then
    echo "Invalid monitor $monitor"
    exit 1
# geometry has the format W H X Y
bgcolor=$(hc get frame_border_normal_color)
selbg=$(hc get window_border_active_color)

tags_update() {
	    IFS=$'\t' read -ra tags <<< "$(hc tag_status $monitor)"
        # draw tags
        for i in "${tags[@]}" ; do
            case ${i:0:1} in
                    echo -n "%{B$selbg}%{F$selfg}"
                    echo -n "%{B#9CA668}%{F#141414}"
                    echo -n "%{B-}%{F#ffffff}"
                    echo -n "%{B#FF0675}%{F#141414}"
                    echo -n "%{B-}%{F#ababab}"
            # non-clickable tags because fuck you, mouse.
            echo -n " ${i:1} "
		#echo "$separator"

muz_update() {
		moc_running=$(pidof "mocp" > /dev/null && echo 1)
        if [ $moc_running -eq 1 ]; then
			muz=$(mocp -Q %file | sed -e 's_/.*/__' -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//' -e 's/_/ /g') || muz="?"

vol_update() {
		vol=$(amixer get Master | awk -F'[][]' '/Mono:/ {sub(/%/, ""); print $2; exit}')

wifi_update() {
		wifi=$(awk 'NR==3 {printf("%2.2d\n", ($3/70)*100)}' /proc/net/wireless)

times_update() {
		thedate=$(date -u +%d.%m.%y)
		thetime=$(date -u +%H:%M)

wifi_count=0; wifi_update
times_count=0; times_update

while true;
	if [ $wifi_count -ge $wifi_interval ]; then wifi_update; wifi_count=0; fi
	if [ $times_count -ge $times_interval ]; then times_update; times_count=0; fi
	vol_icon=$(echo -e "\uE0FD")
	wifi_icon=$(echo -e "\uE048")
	right="%{r}%{F$selfg}$muz %{F$selbg}$vol_icon %{F$selfg}$vol% %{F$selbg}$wifi_icon %{F$selfg}$wifi% $separator %{F$selfg}$thedate %{F#ffffff}$thetime "
	echo "$right"

done | lemonbar -g x${panel_width}+${panel_height} -f "$font" -B "$bgcolor" -F '#c36666'
@wux: i couldn't find one in the siji font that i really really really liked :(

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:09 am
by dkeg
Rho, you're going to slap yourself. You have a '+' where it should be a 'x'. The format is
..... done | lemonbar -g widthxheight+x+y
So in you're code
done | lemonbar -g ${panel_width]+${panel_height} -f "$font" .....
Should be
done | bar -g ${panel_width}x${panel_height} -f "$font"
Then you're all good!

I wish I could bold inside code tags. So I used quote tags instead. Ha!

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:46 pm
by bones
Very nice, rhow, and good catch dkeg.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:58 pm
by rhowaldt
thanks Drew! i actually copied that bit from someone else's config and they had it like this... figured perhaps i misunderstood the syntax and well, take a look at the time in that scrot and you'll know why i wasn't at my brightest anymore :)
works beautifully now! new scrot or it didnt happen (not sure what windows best to open in my scrot so giving you guys another glance at some music :)

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:38 pm
by stark
I'm really happy rho switched to lemonbar ! :D

What kind of wifi icon would you prefer rho ? Do you want more dynamic ones of the icon "e1af" ( meaning: echo -e "\ue1af" )

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:27 pm
by rhowaldt
i am really picky when it comes to this kinda shit sometimes stark, in the sense that i prefer E048 over E1AF, simply because i think it looks better. if you really don't mind looking into it, i think what i'm looking for is a wifi-icon that has 3 bars, where the shape of the bars is more curved than in E1AF, for example like the headphone curve in E0FD. i do not know whether this is possible with the grid you have to work on etc (i've been designing bead loom patterns for my GF for weeks and know the limitations of the pixel-system pretty well by now). but i think, from looking at it, it might be possible to have wifi-bar 1 to be like the headphone curve, wifi-bar 2 one smaller, and wifi-bar 3 just a dot. but now i'm counting lines quickly and it might indeed not be possible :/

P.S. don't wanna sound ungrateful or some shit, thanks again for making the siji font, it's absolutely wonderful.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 2:19 pm
by wuxmedia
I stuck with UTF and have a phone for my IP, a hockey puck for HDD, an hourglass for load and a chinese char which looks like a calendar (I think it might even be 'calender') for the date.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 2:20 pm
by dkeg
rho has given me back the herbst bug. Been using it the last couple days.

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 4:27 pm
by stark
@rho You're right. To make it more curvy, one would need to thicken the curves which would require more space so it's not going to be possible for this version of siji, but i'll try it when i'll make the large one :)

Re: herbstluftwm

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:36 pm
by rhowaldt
thanks stark, much appreciated :)
question: how hard is it to design these icons? could i just take grafx2 (wonderful software btw) and draw something on a grid of pixels x pixels? because i wouldn't mind trying my hand at some of these, perhaps add some to the collection?

@wux: yeah the abstractions work pretty well i think. on my phone homescreen i have it even better: llama for calls, cloudbeast for texts, skull-and-bones for email, standing robot for camera, robothead for notes. wtf!? only i know what is what :D

@drew: have you ever noticed in hlwm this thing where you split a frame in two (with me it usually happens on a horizontal split - top/bottom that is) and are then unable to move a window to that empty frame? i've had it happen a couple of times now, still haven't really looked into it but it is curious behavior.