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Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:52 pm
by tenkainen
Thanks. Here's the relevant part from Xresources (rest is just for xcalc and some other cruft):

Code: Select all

urxvt*font:             -*-termsynu-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
urxvt*boldFont:         -*-termsynu-bold-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
urxvt*termName:         rxvt-unicode
urxvt*scrollBar:        false
urxvt*matcher.button:   1
urxvt*cursorBlink:      true
urxvt*cursorColor:      #758A8E
urxvt*colorBD:          #816955
urxvt*internalBorder:   25
urxvt*externalBorder:   10

urxvt*urgentOnBell: true

! special
urxvt*foreground:   #6d727e
urxvt*background:   #fef9ec
urxvt*borderColor:  #fef9ec
! black
urxvt*color0:       #c5c1b4
urxvt*color8:       #a1a6b2
! red
urxvt*color1:       #e75c58
urxvt*color9:       #b22b31
! green
urxvt*color2:       #00a250
urxvt*color10:      #007427
! yellow
urxvt*color3:       #a08a00
urxvt*color11:      #715f00
! blue
urxvt*color4:       #208ffb
urxvt*color12:      #0065ca
! magenta
urxvt*color5:       #d160c4
urxvt*color13:      #a03196
! cyan
urxvt*color6:       #00a4c1
urxvt*color14:      #007693
! white
urxvt*color7:       #3e424d
urxvt*color15:      #282c36

Though now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I've kanged the colours from somewhere.
And the white theme is pretty brutal to my eyes during these dark finnish winters.
Not sure how long I'll last.

And here's some ratpoisonrc (.ratpoisonkeys is just key shortcuts defined):

Code: Select all

escape s-a

bind v exec dmenu_run

exec ratpoison -c "source /home/tenkainen/.ratpoisonkeys"

set winname title
set padding 10 20 10 20
# Window border colors
set fwcolor #101010
set bwcolor #AAAAAA
set font Termsynu-11
# Status bar colors
set bgcolor #EEEEEE
set fgcolor #2f2f2f
set barpadding 10 10
set bargravity se
set border 2
set barborder 2
set historysize 1000

addhook switchwin banish
addhook switchframe banish
addhook switchgroup groups

unmanage trayer
unmanage stalonetray

# {{{ rudeness is a bitwise or of the following values:
# 1 Transient windows may raise.
# 2 Normal windows may raise.
# 4 New transient windows end up in the foreground.
# 8 New normal windows end up in the foreground.
rudeness 13

exec ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
exec stalonetray

exec xsetroot -solid '#cccccc'
exec sleep 5 && conky -c ~/.conkyrc_ratpoison && conky -c ~/.conkyrc_ratpoison2
Also the conkys are quite basic, as you can see in the shots. The TODO just lists the amount of my urgent org-todos.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:05 pm
by stark
@tenkainen Looking very good and a great setup overall.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:44 pm
by GekkoP
^^ thanks.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:48 am
by pidsley
I have not posted one of these for a while. Just another day in pidsley land. CRUX on the main machine. Relevant info is in the scrot (modified env-info script)


rp configs are here:

Very boring, I know. I have used the same WM for two years, and the same font and Xcolors for at least a year. I switched from urxvt to aterm a few months ago (it's slightly lighter, and I don't need unicode) and I've minimized the rp config (I realized I never use workspaces). I have changed distros a couple of times (sid -> arch -> CRUX) but this works for me right now. I save the crazy stuff for the test machines.

I should update the kernel to the latest LTS. I'll go do that now.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:40 pm
by GekkoP
^ not that you need me saying this, but 3.17.2 on CRUX works with no issues. ;)

That said: I'm still on ratpoison too, still using your configs that suit me very, very well.
I actually use workspaces, but only because my daily workflow is so organized around them it would be hard (read: I'm a lazy bastard) to change.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:45 pm
by dkeg
^^very clean as usual. And hey,you find what works and stick with it.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:44 pm
by pidsley
GekkoP wrote:^ not that you need me saying this, but 3.17.2 on CRUX works with no issues. ;)
Thanks; I'm sure it works, but I have decided to stick with the LTS kernels. No particular reason, just what I decided to do.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:14 pm
by GekkoP
pidsley wrote:Very boring, I know. I have used the same WM for two years, and the same font and Xcolors for at least a year. I switched from urxvt to aterm a few months ago (it's slightly lighter, and I don't need unicode) and I've minimized the rp config (I realized I never use workspaces). I have changed distros a couple of times (sid -> arch -> CRUX) but this works for me right now. I save the crazy stuff for the test machines.
I was just now thinking about this. I've been using something similar for almost a year now on my main laptop (BBQ+ratpoison+solarized dark+st).
Lately I was thinking about giving MATE a shot and see if it could suit me better than my regular setup.
Almost ready to install those MBs of dependencies, but then I stopped. I guess my comfort zone is just that good. :)

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:13 pm
by rhowaldt
no need to change a setup when it works for you. i've been on the same shit since i started using #! i think. Openbox + tint2 + conky + #! dark theme. nice and simple, and it saves me learning new keybinds and such :)

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:16 pm
by ivanovnegro
^ Conky? :D

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:18 pm
by Dr_Chroot
ivanovnegro wrote:^ Conky? :D
rho is one of the few that I do not have scrots of in my Pictures folder... just dug up and added this. The conky is actually quite nice :D

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:49 pm
by dkeg
Dr_Chroot wrote:
ivanovnegro wrote:^ Conky? :D
rho is one of the few that I do not have scrots of in my Pictures folder...
Uh, what? Really? You same them locally. And what are you doing with them?

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:57 pm
by GekkoP
^ I guess it does something like mix and match them with a list of our nicknames to prove to himself he is a true griller.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:49 pm
by Dr_Chroot
dkeg wrote:Uh, what? Really? You same them locally. And what are you doing with them?
Viciously fapping. I like to mix it up, though. Sometimes dat compton is what does it for me, other times Pidsley's aterm hits the spot. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)


In all seriousness, I have tried to keep track of all of the configs/colors/setups/etc to refer back to in the future. For the most part, I have tried to organize yours by the xcolor and look at how you have the fonts and bar placed to try to work with them on my own. frank's compton is always nice to look at, so I have tried to emulate that look also in my .compton.conf etc. I guess it how I have always learned things in the past - I learned cursive, not because school taught it (they didn't) but because I was trying to copy the handwriting of Michel Foucault. (Thankfully, I am more legible.)
GekkoP wrote:^ I guess it does something like mix and match them with a list of our nicknames to prove to himself he is a true griller.
I actually do something of the sort. Running through them in ranger attempting to find common threads and looks, mostly so I can recognize them if I see them pop up on /r/UnixPorn (except for dkeg, as I already know your name :) MB has almost always had a crisp, no-nonsense look IMHO (and you can find this in some of his scrots from #!) and dkeg/franksinistra tend to have a warm, almost smooth feel. And then pidsley... pids' scrots are what I expect RMS' boxes to look like. Unix, plain and simple with no bloat.

I didn't realize how creepy it sounds like until I type it out... I have no intent to stalk :D

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:58 pm
by GekkoP
^ interesting. We got a scrot-psychiatrist at the grill, bring it on guys. ;)

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:06 pm
by bones
^^ I know mine surely say "terribly boring, same damn .Xresources all the time, doesn't hardly ever use transparency, blah, blah..." :)

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:26 pm
by Dr_Chroot
^ No, yours is uniquely BSD-ish. Unless you are twelve other guys on #netbsd, a lot of the fellows have the same feel.

The scrot that I now have of yours does have transparency, though.

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:29 pm
by bones
^ Wow, cool, blasts from the past!

Re: ratpoison

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:35 pm
by ivanovnegro
Dr_Chroot wrote:And then pidsley... pids' scrots are what I expect RMS' boxes to look like. Unix, plain and simple with no bloat.
That sounds like love.


Re: ratpoison

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:34 am
by dkeg
well, now that's out in the open. Nah, no worries. But why stalk in secret. We're friendly, most of the time. Ask, learn, so you can start to create and share your own shit. Then others will stalk you. Its great to learn off others, but better to understand what it is you using so you can then take it to the next step and make it your own. Your not on IRC anymore? Well actually, no one is.