tyled - An image tiler

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tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:02 pm

I decided that a tiling wallpaper would be a nice idea, but couldn't find decent tools for making one.

I wrote tyled in my spare time this afternoon and have ideas for lots of new features to add if other people like it.

This is an example output of it:

Let me know what you think. :)

out.png (2.82 KiB) Viewed 6891 times

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by GekkoP » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:11 pm

I'm used to 'hsetroot -tile', but this looks pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by Alad » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:19 pm

:D :D
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:20 pm

Alad wrote::D :D
What have I created?!

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by simgin » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:02 pm

^ Frankenstein! Lol.

No but seriously a lot of respect to you, for doing something like this in an afternoon, and for sharing it with us :o)

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:17 pm

simgin wrote:^ Frankenstein! Lol.

No but seriously a lot of respect to you, for doing something like this in an afternoon, and for sharing it with us :o)

Thanks Simgin, you're too nice. :)

I have just added "effects" you can specify an effect on the command line using -e effect1:arg1:arg2,effect2:arg1:arg2

Currently only changing the brightness of the image works, I will add more in the future.

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:31 am

looks cool harvey!

you know, i am suddenly thinking... you could take a wallpaper, use paletter to make a colour-palette out of it, then maybe use tyler to display those colours in blocks, and make that your new wallpaper...

oh well, just throwing this out there. i would look into making something like that myself if i had the inclination, but just consider it an idea that you can do whatever the fuck with (ie. use or ignore or whatever :)
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by simgin » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:01 am

^ hmmm , maybe make it to somekind of mosaic ? Just a thought.
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:48 am

^ ja, that was my thought as well.
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:39 pm

rhowaldt wrote:looks cool harvey!

you know, i am suddenly thinking... you could take a wallpaper, use paletter to make a colour-palette out of it, then maybe use tyler to display those colours in blocks, and make that your new wallpaper...

oh well, just throwing this out there. i would look into making something like that myself if i had the inclination, but just consider it an idea that you can do whatever the fuck with (ie. use or ignore or whatever :)
simgin wrote:^ hmmm , maybe make it to somekind of mosaic ? Just a thought.
These are both great ideas, so I am adding them now. I am going to make it so that you can specify more than one tile to be used, as well as getting tyled to generate tiles from your xresources colours. I'll have it done by tonight. :)

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:44 pm

Just finished, it can now generate tiles based upon your xresources or a list of colours.

It can draw tiles in the layouts: grid, vstripe and hstripe. I will add some more later.

Here are some examples:
out.png (1.19 KiB) Viewed 6826 times
out.png (1.54 KiB) Viewed 6826 times
out.png (1.21 KiB) Viewed 6826 times

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:58 pm

^ that is amazing. is it possible to randomize the tiles? the reason i ask...

i spent nearly my entire day making this:

Code: Select all

# GTFO license:
# this program is provided with NO GUARANTEE and NO SUPPORT
# if it breaks or does not do what you want, FIX IT YOURSELF
# a script for building a screen-size tile-mosaic-thingy out of the 16 colours extracted from an image.
# by rhowaldt
# depends: xdpyinfo, imagemagick


# SHUFFLE FUNCTION based on Knufth-Fisher-Yayes shuffle algorithm
# http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/026 thank you!
# takes an array[@] as input through 'shuffle ARRAY[@]', outputs arr[@]
shuffle() {
   local i tmp size max rand
   arr=("${!1}") # retrieve array from $1
   # $RANDOM % (i+1) is biased because of the limited range of $RANDOM
   # Compensate by using a range which is a multiple of the array size.
   max=$(( 32768 / size * size ))

   for ((i=size-1; i>0; i--)); do
      while (( (rand=$RANDOM) >= max )); do :; done
      rand=$(( rand % (i+1) ))
      tmp=${arr[i]} arr[i]=${arr[rand]} arr[rand]=$tmp

if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
   echo "Your arguments are wrong."
   echo "Usage: moarsaic [image] [divisor (integer)]"
   exit 1

x="x" #this is pathetic, but who cares?

echo "* * * * * M O A R S A I C * * * * *"

# 1. create a 16 colour palette from the given image
PALETTE=$(convert "$IMAGE" -colors 16 -format "%c" histogram:info:)
HEXLIST=$(echo "$PALETTE" | sed 's/^.*\#\(.*\) srgb.*/\1/g') #grab just the numbers
COL=("0" "8" "1" "9" "2" "A" "3" "B" "4" "C" "5" "D" "6" "E" "7" "F"); #these numbers need to be added to the front of the previous
declare -a COLOURS

while read line; do
      COLOURS=("${COLOURS[@]}" "$line"); #concatenate the shit.
      let q=q+1
done <<< "$HEXLIST"

echo "Image: $IMAGE"

# 2. wanna know how many tiles
read RES_X RES_Y <<<$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2}' | awk -Fx '{print $1, $2}') # determine screen resolution: thanksss http://superuser.com/questions/418699

SMALLEST=$(( RES_X < RES_Y ? RES_X : RES_Y )) #find the smallest side
if [[ $SMALLEST -eq $RES_X ]]; then
   TILESIZE_X=$(( SMALLEST/DIVISOR )) #make sure still X=X
else [[ $SMALLEST -eq $RES_Y ]]
TILES_X=$(( ( RES_X/TILESIZE_X ) + 1 )) #the amount of tiles along one side will always be 1 greater than the amount that fits - for now
TILES_Y=$(( ( RES_Y/TILESIZE_Y ) + 1 )) #because what happens when it fits exactly...

echo "Screen Resolution: $RES_X$x$RES_Y"
echo "Tilesize: $TILESIZE_X$x$TILESIZE_Y"
echo "Tiles: $TILES ($TILES_X$x$TILES_Y)"

# 3. get enough colours to fill all the tiles
declare -a COLOURTILES
# pick randomly from the 16-colour list, removing each pick until none are left. repeat until all tiles are filled.
while [[ ${#COLOURTILES[@]} -lt $TILES ]] #check whether we are at $TILES yet.
   shuffle COLOURS[@] && COLOURS=${arr[1]}
   for (( c=0; c<${#COLOURS[@]}; c++ )) #run through all items on shuffled colour-array
      if [ ${#COLOURTILES[@]} -lt $TILES ] #second check to see we won't pass $TILES inside this subloop
         COLOURTILES=("${COLOURTILES[@]}" "${COLOURS[$c]}")

# 4. build a tile-mosaic-thingy out of the colours
echo "Prepare your anus. Placing colours..."

convert -size "$RES_X$x$RES_Y" xc:none composite.gif # make initial image with the size of the screen

for (( i=0; i<${#COLOURTILES[@]}; i++ )) #everything in its right place
   convert -size "$TILESIZE_X$x$TILESIZE_Y" canvas:"#${COLOURTILES[$i]}" "temp_tile_img.gif"
   composite -geometry  +"$xxx"+"$yyy" temp_tile_img.gif composite.gif composite.gif
   rm "temp_tile_img.gif"
   echo "$(($i+1)): #${COLOURTILES[$i]}"
   if [[ $xxx -lt $RES_X ]]; then
      xxx=$(( xxx + TILESIZE_X ))
   else [[ $yyy -lt $RES_Y ]]
      yyy=$(( yyy + TILESIZE_Y ))
convert "composite.gif" "brand_new_tiled_wall.png"
rm "composite.gif"
it works, but it is slow. give it a divisor of 11 and you get this:

Code: Select all

[23:48:55]$ ./moarsaic.bash crazy_marco_koekiemonster.jpg 11

* * * * * M O A R S A I C * * * * *

Image: crazy_marco_koekiemonster.jpg
Screen Resolution: 1280x800
Tilesize: 72x72
Tiles: 216 (18x12)

Prepare your anus. Placing colours...

1: #3D4884
2: #3D3761
3: #56709A
4: #5E5171
5: #5E6A96
6: #687AA5
7: #7686AC
8: #788BC2
9: #87657B
10: #8C96B6
11: #90768E
12: #AC94A6
13: #B7B0C5
14: #C9A8B6
15: #D9D3DA
17: #90768E
brand_new_tiled_wall.png (5.79 KiB) Viewed 6719 times
but that isnt even proper tiles, they are still too big.

the reason why it is so slow is because it makes a new composite image for each separate tile. a faster method is to first create separate .gif files for all the tiles, then do some type of imagemagick -tile type thing. however, i couldn't get this to work in such a way that it filled the entire screen, so i gave up on that. if there are imagemagick gurus out there: i'd love to hear some tips :)

i have also briefly looked into making hexagonal tiles, but imagemagick is still in many ways beyond me.
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:06 pm

oh, saw you made it in Python, and just adding this to say: you are much better and faster than i am :D - i did it for fun, and didnt know that you would be trying too! coincidence? i think not.
anyway, if you can build this shit into your script so that it is programmed in a reasonable way instead of my hodge-podge style, that would probably be better :)
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:54 pm

rhowaldt wrote:^ that is amazing. is it possible to randomize the tiles? the reason i ask...

i spent nearly my entire day making this:

Code: Select all

[.. (some code) ..]
it works, but it is slow. give it a divisor of 11 and you get this:

Code: Select all

[23:48:55]$ ./moarsaic.bash crazy_marco_koekiemonster.jpg 11

* * * * * M O A R S A I C * * * * *

Image: crazy_marco_koekiemonster.jpg
Screen Resolution: 1280x800
Tilesize: 72x72
Tiles: 216 (18x12)

Prepare your anus. Placing colours...

1: #3D4884
2: #3D3761
3: #56709A
4: #5E5171
5: #5E6A96
6: #687AA5
7: #7686AC
8: #788BC2
9: #87657B
10: #8C96B6
11: #90768E
12: #AC94A6
13: #B7B0C5
14: #C9A8B6
15: #D9D3DA
17: #90768E
but that isnt even proper tiles, they are still too big.

the reason why it is so slow is because it makes a new composite image for each separate tile. a faster method is to first create separate .gif files for all the tiles, then do some type of imagemagick -tile type thing. however, i couldn't get this to work in such a way that it filled the entire screen, so i gave up on that. if there are imagemagick gurus out there: i'd love to hear some tips :)

i have also briefly looked into making hexagonal tiles, but imagemagick is still in many ways beyond me.
rhowaldt wrote:oh, saw you made it in Python, and just adding this to say: you are much better and faster than i am :D - i did it for fun, and didnt know that you would be trying too! coincidence? i think not.
anyway, if you can build this shit into your script so that it is programmed in a reasonable way instead of my hodge-podge style, that would probably be better :)
That looks awesome, I really like the output it gives. Random, but doesn't look too random.

I will add randomness into it tonight or tomorrow, I just need to work out a nice way of doing it so that it looks like your's. :)

Hexagonal tiles will be quite tricky I think. You could use a tile that has the shape of a hexagon drawn onto it and then when a few tiles join together it makes a hexagon shape- something to think about over the next few days. :)

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by simgin » Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:20 am

^ Harvey you are doing a fantastic job mate :)

Hmmm, about the hexagon tiles, dont know how to explain it. If you could use a pattern or a tile, with no colour as a template, and let the script colour in the shapes, like a colouring book. Just an idea.

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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:54 pm

@harvey: thanks! perhaps of help to you if you want to emulate: i made the semi-random tiling by having a 16-colour array, shuffling it, then adding those colours one by one to the total stack of tiles. say you need 20 tiles, you shuffle the 16-colour array a total of 2 times: 16 + 4. i believe that is the trick to this 'look'.

looked into hexagonal stuff when looking trough imagemagick, but still havent found how to assign a rgb-colour to a canvas or some shit, really, there are so many options on imagemagick that i just cant comprehend them all. i believe it isnt possible though. or maybe it is. meh.

looking forward to seeing what other stuff you put into your script harvey, it looks really good! :)
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by rhowaldt » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:58 pm

P.S. i edited your post, and removed the quoting of the entire script, was a bit unnecessarily long. could've told you but figured i'd save you the effort :)
instead of quoting, you might just want to use the up-arrows like so ^^ to refer to the a post above or above that. ^^^^^ = 5 posts back reply. or just do @rhowaldt: ?
just tips, not bitchin' :D
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Re: tyled - An image tiler

Unread post by harveyhunt » Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:37 pm

rhowaldt wrote:@harvey: thanks! perhaps of help to you if you want to emulate: i made the semi-random tiling by having a 16-colour array, shuffling it, then adding those colours one by one to the total stack of tiles. say you need 20 tiles, you shuffle the 16-colour array a total of 2 times: 16 + 4. i believe that is the trick to this 'look'.

looked into hexagonal stuff when looking trough imagemagick, but still havent found how to assign a rgb-colour to a canvas or some shit, really, there are so many options on imagemagick that i just cant comprehend them all. i believe it isnt possible though. or maybe it is. meh.

looking forward to seeing what other stuff you put into your script harvey, it looks really good! :)

Ah, that is a good idea- I will get on with that at some point. Imagemagick is weirdly complicated.

I thought it might have been a little longs- thanks for fixing it for me though. :)

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