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Spacemacs - Emacs? Vim? Why not both?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:27 am
by jankiel

Yet another nice project to look at free time.. Has anyone from bbq used it already?
It's basically some el scripts to Emacs (the way to install this wonder is to install emacs first, then git clone/wget Spacemacs-bootstrap scripts to ~/emacs.d) to make your emacs installation (even) more awesome; it offers vim and emacs modes. It seems quite interesting, I need to check this out (havent tried yet). I am intermediate vim user, but I also find emacs very promising (had (nearly) completed emacs tutorial, seems fun).
Of course, probably if You are experienced vim/emacs user, You will not find it usable, cause Your editor dotfiles already are the best in the world ;) (at least for You).

Re: Spacemacs - Emacs? Vim? Why not both?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:47 am
by machinebacon
You won't believe it, but I just made a Spacemacs remix on Tuesday which I am test-driving on different PCs before I upload it.* Personally, I am not a big fan of Spacemacs (95% of the things featured I will never use, and those which I regularly use are not featured lol), but I understand why there's a big following - and they are surely right that emacs plus vim makes a better editor. For me personally, the editing functionality of Emacs is sufficient, and stuff like magit, org-mode or gnus is the actual reason I stay with Emacs.

* for people who don't want to bork their .emacs.d :D

Re: Spacemacs - Emacs? Vim? Why not both?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:00 am
by wuxmedia
not really an emacs fan. not amazingly a vim fan either.

Re: Spacemacs - Emacs? Vim? Why not both?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:56 pm
by GekkoP
Spacemacs is cool. Although I still prefer taking the time to understand a bit of elisp and grow my own configuration.

Re: Spacemacs - Emacs? Vim? Why not both?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:27 pm
by franksinistra
Spacemacs is good. Those modular configs and uniformed keybindings are nice especially if you don't have the time to carefully modify and build everything from the ground up. Sadly it heavily relied on evil (which i'm not particularly fond of since you could always re-map Ctrl key to Caps Lock), leaving the emacs (holy-mode in their terms) largely unmaintained.

I use spacemacs-base (their "barebone" version) myself, along with a few self-made "layers" ( mu4e, lispy, figlet/toilet, circe, and a few other stolen configs from abo-abo / jwiegley / bbatsov / wasamasa / manu) and a bunch of official layers.