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Re: CWM: Egeszsegedre! (586) Development Notes

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:10 am
by Theo
^Thanks, I'll take a closer look. What I wrote was a Quick and Dirty solution. But first things first, connecting an external mouse would be handy. I really like the keybindings and controls of CWM, but it's an old HP notebook. Ideal for little hands, but with 'kohlenschaufels' it's a different story :)

Re: CWM: Egeszsegedre! (586) Development Notes

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:59 am
by machinebacon
Not trying to be a bitch (I am one, in fact): downloading and installing rfkill is a quick and dirty solution if your software kill-switch is turned on and you can not download packages (eg. you have no ethernet connectivity available)?

Sure, one could argue and say the base release should come with rfkill installed - and you'd see hands raised, with people crying for eject, ntfs-3g, openssh-client (but not server!), and maybe even terminator (becoz has tiling), but please drop suckless-tools because it is bloated. I've seen these. And I won't wrap my anus around every dick I see.

Theo, the way I posted works without external packages, it can also be put the same way into /etc/rc.local.
I am not sure how it can solve the problem of installing an external mouse.

Sorry, but I make the RELEASE NOTES section read-only. It says in the header: if there are technical problems, post in the SUPPORT section.

Re: CWM: Egeszsegedre! (586) Development Notes

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:45 am
by machinebacon
Thanks for 3000 downloads!