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.bashrc hack to get colours when ssh'ing into remote systems

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:15 am
by au3
Can't have .bashrc on Solaris machines I log into (or deviate from ksh as default shell for user), so use a hacky ssh alias to exec bash and declare rcfile, which does the following:
  • - shows colourised uptime
    - shows colourised prompt
    - updates term window title with 'user@system'
    - provides colourised ls alias 'lsd'
In my local .bashrc:

Code: Select all

function ssh_with_bash {
    # Set term name to remote user@server
    echo -en "\033]2;$@\007"

    # For hostnames containing 'sun' declare rcfile on cmdline
    if [[ "$@" == *sun* ]]; then
	# exec bash with rcfile declared on command line, needs to run inside bash to work (hence 2 x "exec bash")
        ssh -X "$@" -t 'exec bash -c "exec bash --rcfile <(echo \"
	# source local crap
	. /etc/profile;
	. ~/.profile;
	export TERM=xterm;
	export PAGER=`which less`;
	# define some colours

	# print colourised uptime stats
	echo -en \\\"\e[48;5;16m\e[38;5;19m\\\";

	# use xtermc for colourised vim (requires OpenCSW vim & ncurses package)
	alias vim=\\\"TERM=xtermc vim -u /var/tmp/.vimrc\\\";

	# Alias lsd is a coloured ls -ltrh
	alias lsd='\''ls -ltrh |perl -e '\''\'\'''\''
		my \\\$c;
		} elsif(/^-..x/){
		} elsif(/\.(zip|gz|bz2)\\\$/){
		} elsif(/^l/){
		print \\\"\\\$_\\\";

	# Function to set prompt
	set_b_p() {
		DATEPR=\\\$(date \\\"+%y%m%d.%H%M%S\\\");
		PS1=\\\"\\\${co1}\\\${DATEPR}\\\${ccl} \\\${co4}\u\\\${ccl}@\\\${co5}\h\\\${ccl} \\\${co2}\w\\\${ccl} \\\${co3}#\\\${ccl} \\\";

	# Use function PROMPT_COMMAND as fix for bash history linewrap issues
        ssh -X "$@"

    # Set term name back to local hostname when logged out
    echo -en "\033]2;${HOSTNAME}\007"

alias ssh="ssh_with_bash"

Logging in _without_ the above in .bashrc:

Logging in _with_ the above in .bashrc:

Criticism/improvements welcome.

Re: .bashrc hack to get colours when ssh'ing into remote sys

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:06 am
by wuxmedia
Sexy. I do lots of ssh'ing and the colours brightens up my day!
not onto such shiny Sun boxen.
Welcome to you, sir.
From whence did you spring from?

Re: .bashrc hack to get colours when ssh'ing into remote sys

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:03 am
by dkeg
Interesting first post. Where as we all appreciate knowledge and experience sharing, thanks for that!, we more so appreciate a nice introduction. Please do...