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post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:09 pm
by pidsley
Most of the window managers I use don't have menus, and that's OK, because I don't really like most menus. I do like dmenu, and I use it a lot. I also use custom dmenus, partly because they make things a little easier, but mostly because they are an excuse for me to learn more script skills.

I have seen a lot of custom dmenus on various boards -- it's amazing what people have come up with. I swiped several of them from the Arch board dmenu hacking thread.

If you have any dmenu scripts, please post them here.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:21 pm
by machinebacon
Lovely thread, thanks!

Probably this one is not new for most, but nevertheless interesting ( ... erstellen/

It's in German, but code is code

Edit Oct 19, 3:04am - moved to HOWTO->Configs

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:22 pm
by GekkoP
thanks! I love dmenu, I'll try some these scripts and see what's best for me.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:30 pm
by johnraff
Pidsley, I'm sorry but I couldn't help suggesting, this:

Code: Select all

if [[ $str =~ 't:' ]]; then # this is a terminal command
    cmd=${str#*:}           # strip off leading t:
might be changed to this:

Code: Select all

if [[ $str =~ '^t:' ]]; then # this is a terminal command
    cmd=${str#t:}           # strip off leading t:
just to avoid problems if you had a command 'somethingt:something'

Yes, I know you didn't want any "critiques"... Image

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:49 am
by machinebacon
For the kiTTY lovers, there's slmenu:

Haven't tried it yet (actually zsh/bash-abcompletion works pretty well)

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:34 pm
by beta
dmenu quit dialog

Code: Select all

# a simple logout dialog
# based on arp
choice=`echo -e "0: Cancel\n1: Logout\n2: Shutdown\n3: Reboot\n4: Lock" | dmenu -fn "snap" -nb "#222222" -nf "#7D7D7D" -sb "#005885" -sf "#BFBFBF" -p "select an action:" | cut -d ':' -f 1`

# execute the choice in background
case "$choice" in
    0) exit ;;
    1) xdotool key super+shift+q & ;;
    2) sudo systemctl poweroff & ;;
    3) sudo systemctl shutdown & ;;
    4) xscreensaver-command -lock & ;;
calling this with a key combo from spectrwm
logout just quits x (using my spectrwm key combo)

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:42 pm
by stark
Well better late than never!

And from that very same dmenu hacking thread:

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:09 pm
by stark
Finally figured out how to automate the loop.

Posted a scrot here few days ago.

Note: If you don't use ( or don't want to use ) dmenu2 then remove the x y w values.

Get the script:

curl > ~/app-menu

Anyone has any suggestions how to improve this script ? because i'm sure its very badly written.

Code: Select all


# Define your battery device. Look up in '/sys/class/power_supply/' for a directory named 'BAT0' ( it also can be 'BAT1 or something else )
battery="$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/$device/capacity)%"

# Volume Status for alsa users
volume="$(amixer get Master | tail -1 | sed 's/.*\[\([0-9]*%\)\].*/\1/')"

# Define your preferred terminal
terminal='urxvtc -e'

# How many spaces do you want before the battery status ?

# Automating the number of spaces
function auto_space
for ((i = 0; i <= $spaces; i++)); do
	printf ' '

# Menu Order.
menu_list="File\nEdit\nWeb\nTerm\nEmacs\nMusic\nWifi\nHtop\nRanger\nScrot\nScrot-s\n$(eval auto_space)Batt: $battery\n Vol: $volume"

# Dmenu Preferences
Dmenu="/usr/bin/dmenu -p '•' -fn 'Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline:bold' -i -y 30 -x 70 -w 1141 -nb '#0E1826' -sb '#0E1826' -nf '#C0C0B0' -sf '#FF4945'"

cmd=$(echo -e "$menu_list" | eval $Dmenu)

case $cmd in
		$terminal vim ;;
		chromium --incognito ;;
		$terminal ranger ;;
		$terminal htop ;;
		$terminal bash -c "tmux -q has-session && exec tmux attach-session -d || exec tmux new-session -nmain -s$USER@$HOSTNAME" ;;
		thunar ;;
		emacs ;;
		$terminal ncmpcpp ;;
		scrot '%F--%I:%M:%S:%p--$wx$h--scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/.scrots/' && notify-send 'Scrot Saved !' ;;
		scrot '%F--%I:%M:%S:%p--$wx$h--scrot.png' -s -e 'mv $f ~/.scrots/' && notify-send 'Scrot Saved !' ;;
		gksudo ~/.scripts/dmenu-scripts/connman_dmenu ;;
exit 0

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:29 am
by kiiroitori
I am not sure how different it is from the dmenu_recent script in the dmenu-tools posted by stark, it might be a somewhat bloated version of it but I like this script more than Dominique Strauss-Kahn likes hookers. It is taken from the dmenu hacking thread on the arch forums and I think it deserves to be posted again here too!

What it does:
1- Gives priority to your most recent commands in dmenu. For example if you have both "calendar" and "calc" packages but always want to run "calendar", you won't have to type until the fourth letter ("c-a-l-e") to discriminate from "calc".
2- On the first run of a command, ask whether you want to run it in "background", "terminal" or "terminal_hold" (I never needed the "terminal_hold" function and I am not sure if I will ever need it to be honest).

The script:

Code: Select all


# Originally based on code by Dieter Plaetinck.
# Pretty much re-written by Mina Nagy (mnzaki)

dmenu_cmd="dmenu $DMENU_OPTIONS"
terminal="urxvt -e"
max_recent=99 # Number of recent commands to track

known_types=" background terminal terminal_hold "

mkdir -p "$cache_dir"
mkdir -p "$config_dir"
touch "$recent_cache"

if stest -dqr -n "$rest_cache" $PATH 2>/dev/null; then
     stest -flx $PATH | sort -u | grep -vf "$recent_cache" > "$rest_cache"

IFS=" "
cmd=$(cat "$recent_cache" "$rest_cache" | $dmenu_cmd -b -h 19 -fn 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei -9' "$@") || exit

if ! grep -qx "$cmd" "$recent_cache" &> /dev/null; then
    grep -vx "$cmd" "$rest_cache" > "$rest_cache.$$"
    mv "$rest_cache.$$" "$rest_cache"

echo "$cmd" > "$recent_cache.$$"
grep -vx "$cmd" "$recent_cache" | head -n "$max_recent" >> "$recent_cache.$$"
mv "$recent_cache.$$"  "$recent_cache"

# Figure out how to run the command based on the command name, disregarding
# arguments, if any.
word0=${cmd%% *}

get_type () {
    while type=$(echo $known_types | xargs -n1 | $dmenu_cmd -b -h 19 -fn 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei -9' -p Type:); do
        [[ $known_types =~ " $type " ]] || continue
        echo "$word0" >> "$config_dir/$type"
    echo $type

if ! type=$(grep -lx "$match" -R "$config_dir"); then
    if ! [[ $known_types =~ " $type " ]]; then
        rm "$config_dir/$type"

[[ "$type" = "background" ]] && exec $cmd
[[ "$type" = "terminal" ]] && exec $terminal "$cmd"
[[ "$type" = "terminal_hold" ]] &&
    exec $terminal sh -c "$cmd && echo Press Enter to kill me... && read line"
Important note: you will need to adjust the " dmenu_cmd -b -h 19 -fn 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei -9' " bit to your needs. I run a patched dmenu that accepts the height argument but I guess most of you don't. Also I don't understand why but color arguments do not work, probably because of how the script parses dmenu arguments. Well I may be wrong, please remember that I don't know what I am doing most of the time.

That's it. I love this script because of the amount of typing saved at every dmenu run.
See you grillers!

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:56 am
by rhowaldt
thanks for this, only now paying attention to this thread, so wonderful revival, right on time!

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:56 am
by wuxmedia
I managed to change the colour and font, that was about all I could manage :)

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:15 pm
by rhowaldt
^ well done! :D

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:52 am
by twoion
Does source code customization also count? If yes, there's now dmenuv, the gravitating dmenu with custom menu width and screen alignments ("gravity"). Displayed in the attached screenshot is the bunsen-exit-ng exit dialog (or whatever-you-configure-it-to-be-dialog) to exemplify its use.

The README in the dmenuv repo explains everything, as does the source code.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:17 am
by simgin
^ Very nice Twoion :) , and I am pretty sure that this counts as a dmenu customization!


Ps. I see bunsen is coming on fine.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:25 pm
by rhowaldt
that looks really nice actually. most useful when using a floating window setup i imagine.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:20 am
by twoion
rhowaldt wrote:that looks really nice actually. most useful when using a floating window setup i imagine.
Actually I'm going to use it with dwm. Because my new display is very high-res (ok, just 1920x1080) and larger I find it quite pleasant that the menu pops up not at the upper/lower margings but in a somewhat central location (-g Tc). Saves eye-movement and refocusing.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:29 pm
by rhowaldt
^ that makes sense i suppose.

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:24 pm
by rhowaldt
made a simple MOC-control for dmenu based on Jules' German example posted above, which was very helpful.
crop.png (531 Bytes) Viewed 12351 times

Code: Select all

#       Custom
#       Copyright 2009, Gatti Paolo (lordkrandel at gmail dot com)
#       Distributed as public domain.
#		Modified to use with MOC by rhowaldt 290415

xcolors=$(sed -n "/#include/s/#include//p" ~/.Xresources | sed "s/<\(.*\)>/\1/")
bgcol=$(sed -n "/*background:/s/*background://p" $xcolors | tr -d [:blank:]) 
fgcol=$(sed -n "/*foreground:/s/*foreground://p" $xcolors | tr -d [:blank:]) 
sbgcol=$(sed -n "/*color4:/s/*color4://p" $xcolors | tr -d [:blank:])

title="MOC "
menu=( \
#               labels            commands
#           Main =========================================
                next               "mocp --next"
                play/pause               "mocp --toggle-pause"
                stop               "mocp --stop"
                quit               "mocp --exit"

for (( count = 0 ; count < ${#menu[*]}; count++ )); do
#   build two arrays, one for labels, the other for commands
    if (( $count < ${#menu[*]}-2 )); then
    if (( "$count" % 2 == "0" )); then
select=`echo -e $menu_labels | dmenu -p $title -nb $bgcol -nf $fgcol -sb $sbgcol -sf $fgcol -fn $font`
if [ "$select" != "" ]; then
#   fetch and clean the index of the selected label
    index=`echo -e "${menu_labels[*]}" | grep -xnm1 $select | sed 's/:.*//'`
#   get the command which has the same index
    part=`echo -e ${menu_commands[*]} | head -$index`
    exe=`echo -e "$part" | tail -1`
#   execute
    $exe &
it takes colours from a different file than the default .Xresources so modify it to your needs if your situation differs (just change the xcolors variable to point to the file that has your xcolors)

of note: "play" in MOC is actually "play first item in playlist". i do not use a playlist 99% of the time, so in this case "play" doesnt work for me after "stop". in other words, you wont get it to play again once you pressed "stop", because MOC doesnt support that. however, you will notice that the command for "play" is actually "mocp --unpause", which means that as long as you pause instead of stop, you can continue playback (makes sense, but might not be obvious).

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:07 pm
by machinebacon
Rho, is "--toggle-pause" different from "--unpause"? I think you could use "--toggle-pause" for just one item like "Pause/Play" -- ah it's late here, guess you know what I mean :D

Re: post your custom dmenu

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:50 pm
by rhowaldt
you are completely right, it seems i completely missed the --toggle-pause option. script updated.